Episode 141: Paul Kiewiet's Defining Moments, Growing Through Adversity Series
In our last episode, we started a new series, Growing Through Adversity. We’re bringing together the voices of those reluctant heroes we know that have overcome serious setbacks, both in their business and in their personal lives, an honest look at the unforeseen moments that change us, drawing out the essential lessons that shape our journey. Last week’s episode featured Joan Landorf with Axis Promotions.
This week’s conversation is with our friend, Paul Kiewiet. I know very few people who have been through as many challenges, both professionally and personally, as Paul.
Paul is the executive director of MiPPA, an industry speaker, writer, consultant and coach. He has been inducted into the PPAI Hall of Fame and the MiPPA Hall of Fame. He served as the chairman of the board of PPAI in 2007, founded a sales promotion agency, was a multimillion-dollar salesperson serving some of America’s best-known brands. He loves adventure travel, has summited Mt Kilimanjaro, climbed Mt Ararat, walked the length of the state of Michigan from Indiana to Canada and is in a constant search for his next adventure.
Join us as we chat with Paul about his rebound from multiple setbacks, including the recession, 9/11, and some incredibly difficult personal challenges. Full of wit and wisdom, thank you, Paul, for sharing your journey!
Got a comeback story to share? Email me, bobby(at)commonsku.com, I’d love to visit with you.