3 Simple Things You Can Do to Prep for a Mind-Blowing skucamp Experience 

We’re only a few days away from skucamp in Palm Springs and because we want you to make the most of your time, we created a shortlist of the three simple things you can do to prep for an amazing experience:

(1) Be ready to talk about your marketing

On the plane, (or right now!), grab a sheet of paper and draw a line down the center. On the left, list the things about your marketing that you feel like you do really well. On the right, list the parts of your marketing you struggle with. Just the act of making your list will be helpful for you as you think through how to make the most out of the marketing breakout sessions. 

(2) Be ready to talk about your team

Building and supporting a team today is one of the most exacting and exciting aspects of running a business. Think through your biggest HR challenges. Is it recruiting? Motivation? Compensation? Stress management? Prioritize your list and write out your questions. Also, think through the best lessons you’ve learned over the past year-and-a-half when it comes to leading a team, be prepared to share those insights with us! 

(3) Be ready to talk about your sales

From sales growth to sales struggles, think through your biggest challenges and jot those down in the form of questions, like: How can we land more business? How should we restructure our sales team for optimum growth? How can I create a better compensation plan that incentivizes sales? How do I grow existing clients? Creating a list of your questions will help you prioritize your time and engage the right thinkers.

Most Importantly …

The single most important thing you can pack and bring along with you to skucamp is one that might surprise you: vulnerability. Being willing to share your greatest successes as well as your greatest struggles will mean the difference between walking away with general growth lessons or walking away with specific actions you can implement the minute you return home.

You have three days of unlimited access to some of the coolest minds and smartest entrepreneurs in the business (including you!). From execs who run billion-dollar companies to entrepreneurs (like you) who are struggling with supply chain, sales team management, and more. To help you tap into this brilliant hive mind, we created a list of attendees with their corresponding superpower! Take a moment to review this amazing list (and if you haven’t submitted yours, you can do so here). After reviewing, make a shortlist of the people you want to talk to based on their area of expertise. 

We’ve structured skucamp in a way that sparks inspirational teaching moments everywhere you turn. From the breakout groups to the meals to the evening parties, it’s a close gathering of some of the brightest minds, friendliest people, and smartest thinkers in the biz.

Savor every moment. Optimize every opportunity.

And be prepared to laugh, share, and learn, because … honestly … is there any better way to celebrate being back together than to inspire one other to grow?!

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com


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