Episode 166: The Future of the Industry in a Post-Covid World
What an astonishing time we live in, a time that has yielded challenges like we’ve never seen before, but also an adversity that has created a unique crucible on which we are refashioning our businesses, our infrastructure, our relationships with the client, and our industry as a whole.
Today on the skucast, we sit down with Catherine Graham (commonsku’s CEO) and Mark Graham (commonsku’s President and Chief Brand Officer) and talk about what a momentous time we live in for innovation, and what the future will continue to unfold for us as we move forward, we discuss:
The changes in the buyer’s habits its impact on our industry
The loss of tradeshows and yet the incredible the opportunity this has created for both suppliers and distributors
How our selling styles are being forced to change
Future pricing challenges and opportunities
What will matter most to the customer of the future
The future office
How complexity is changing collaboration forever between supplier and distributor and ….
The time wasters we’re leaving behind in a post-covid world
Join us for what is always one of our most popular episodes, a glimpse into the future with an honest look at the hard challenges, but a bold look at the way forward.