Episode 166: The Future of the Industry in a Post-Covid World
Today on the skucast, we sit down with Catherine Graham (commonsku’s CEO) and Mark Graham (commonsku’s President and Chief Brand Officer) and talk about what a momentous time we live in for innovation, and what the future will continue to unfold for us as we move forward.
What If This Is It?
What if this is how life will be from now on? What if this is -as they say- the new normal? Many of us are stuck in waiting mode.
3 Ways to Use This Disruption to WIN BIG for the Future
While some think the world is moving slower, perhaps on pause, innovation moves at a break-neck pace during times of crisis.
4 Seismic Shifts Forever Altering Our Supply Chain (The Future of Work Series, Part 6)
As we seek to move forward and rebuild our businesses and our industry, we must realize, we can’t simply put the broken pieces back together the way they were.
Episode 152: “Less is the New Luxe” the Trends in Demand NOW (Vicki Ostrom, Futurist)
We’re joined by one of our favorite guests, futurist and trend editor Vicki Ostrom (Sanmar) to update us on all the trends in demand now. Vicki is a specialist in identifying societal trends and translating them into profitable products.
The Disruption is Here, Are You Ready for the Future? (Future of Work Series, Part 1)
We’re starting a new series, one of the most important series we’ve ever launched, examining what the future world of work will look like.
Trendspotting: Four Macro Trends Driving Innovation Today with Vicki Ostrom (A skucon 2020 Video)
As a Futurist and Trend Editor, Vicki Ostrom is a specialist in identifying societal trends and translating them into profitable products.
Episode 135: The Decade Ahead with David Nicholson (PCNA) and Jonathan Isaacson (Gemline)
In this episode, we’re looking at the decade ahead through the lens of the supplier and are joined by David Nicholson, the President of PNCA, and Jonathan Isaacson, President, and CEO of The Gem Group, the parent company of Gemline.
Episode 134: The Decade Ahead with Tim Andrews (ASI) and Paul Bellantone (PPAI)
Mark Graham and Bobby Lehew chat with two of the most respected leaders of the largest organizations in our industry, as we reflect on the changes that have accelerated our success over the past decade, and what opportunities and challenges lay before us in the decade ahead.