Episode 319: Turning a Big Vision into Real Strategy with Todd Mawyer, TK Promotions

Todd Mawyer is the President and CEO of TK Promotions, a commonsku distributor customer, and yet another very successful entrepreneur in this industry who started during a recession, in 2008.

There’s a bit of a pattern here: Starting during a tough economic climate creates grit, determination, and a quest for survival that permeates the business long after the recession is over.

And Todd is a leader who never stops trying to learn about how to lead better, and how to grow his business to the next level, which is a large part of our conversation today as we dig into his most recent history of reorganizing his business and learning how and what to focus on moving forward.

Today, we get into a critical topic about how to turn vision into actionable strategy and tactics. Todd and his team are not only big on what they want to accomplish and who they want to become, they have a 1-year and 5-year plan on how to get there!

And one more thing we get into in this conversation is how your peers –and even competitors in your market— can become friends, advocates, and supporters of your success!

How Todd goes to market with collaboration + commonsku

How commonsku has impacted TK’s growth

How commonsku helps Todd’s team stay on track

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com


Episode 320: Navigating a Global Transparent Supply Chain (Tim Andrews, CEO, ASI)


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